Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Best Christmas Gift of Them All

This Christmas I enjoyed the time spent with my family, and took part in our annual gift exchanges. There's nothing like eating a good meal with the ones you love, and there is a lot of fun in receiving those gifts you really wanted . . . but my favorite gift this year came in the form of an email.

When I opened it up and saw these pictures it almost brought tears to my eyes.

 From Twister and Dawson Merry Christmas!

Twister you are one special horse. I am so happy you have a loving home, and my heart feels full knowing that someday I may just bring you back home.

But for now you are taking care of your current owner, teaching him to be a cowboy just like he always dreamed of. 

Merry Christmas to you too Twister and Dawson! You will always hold a special place in my heart. You're that steady eddy horse that gave me my confidence, and a great start.

Merry Christmas everybody!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

::sniff:: AW!!!!!!!!! How special is that?!?!?!?!