Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Best Christmas Gift of Them All

This Christmas I enjoyed the time spent with my family, and took part in our annual gift exchanges. There's nothing like eating a good meal with the ones you love, and there is a lot of fun in receiving those gifts you really wanted . . . but my favorite gift this year came in the form of an email.

When I opened it up and saw these pictures it almost brought tears to my eyes.

 From Twister and Dawson Merry Christmas!

Twister you are one special horse. I am so happy you have a loving home, and my heart feels full knowing that someday I may just bring you back home.

But for now you are taking care of your current owner, teaching him to be a cowboy just like he always dreamed of. 

Merry Christmas to you too Twister and Dawson! You will always hold a special place in my heart. You're that steady eddy horse that gave me my confidence, and a great start.

Merry Christmas everybody!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Your Worst Nightmare *WARNING GRAPHIC*

I'm officially a vet-tech in training! I've been interning with a vet for a short time now, and one of my first cases was this poor little guy! We've been bandaging him daily, and luckily he is healing well. But there is still a chance the bone could die, and he would have to be put down. Keep him in your prayers!

Here he is just a few hours after the actual accident occurred. Sadly I couldn't be there for the initial emergency call, but I've got to go help bandage him every day since! Doctor Tom had to sew his leg back up, and I won't go into specific detail, but it was a tough one!

Here he is day two! Looking much better! Lots of stitches, and the skin contracted so we couldn't quite cover all of it . . but by keeping it moist and bandaged and clean we can only hope . . .

The body works wonders! This little guy has a long road ahead of him, but one Day 3 his flesh is looking healthy and growing over his bone! What a lucky horse to have such a good vet, and responsible owner.

This is the day 3 bandage. Similar to Day 1 and 2 but we changed his splint a little bit to give him a wider range of motion so he can heal well, and retain his flexibility. We expect him to make a full recovery, and someday to be ride-able despite the accident. We won't know for sure for some time yet, but keep your fingers crossed for him! 

Sorry if I grossed you out, follow up pictures and happy ending to come!

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Bucket List

Well I've been working on this list for some time . . . so some things are already crossed off :)
The ones in red are the ones I've accomplished

1. Marry the love of my life
2. Have a job I love
3. Be a Rodeo Queen

4. Carry the American Flag during the national anthem at a rodeo

5. Train a horse

6. Travel to Hawaii
7. Swim with dolphins
8. Ride a Camel
9. See Cavalia

10. Be an FFA president

11. Graduate High-school

12. Travel to Churchill Downs

13. Watch a horse race

14. Ride an Elephant

15. Ride my horse on the beach  

16. Ride a Friesian or Andalusian horse
17. Write a book
18. Fly a plane
19. Drive a boat
20. Learn to Swim *well*
21. Breed my mare and raise the foal
22. Become a lifetime member of AQHA
23. Buy a Martin saddle
24. Drive a horse sleigh in the snow
25. Learn to drive a team of horses
26. Ride a mule
27. Ride a mustang on a mountain trail

28. See a wild big cat or wolf
29. Fly a hawk
30. Go scuba diving
31. Go sky diving
32. have the perfect tan
33. Travel to a tropical place with my love :)
34. Travel to Alaska and go fishing!
35. Take a good picture of a bald eagle
36. Learn to shoot a bow off a moving horse *and actually hit the target*
37. Ride through a cross country jumping course
38. Explore a castle
39. Go to a fancy restaurant in a little black dress
40. Buy a horse from the racetrack
41. Travel to Texas
42. Win the Rose Parade mounted division

43. Have an expensive hat *cowboy hat that is*
44. Wear a pair of chaps

45. Get one of those old west pictures taken
46. Go surfing
47. Go to Seaworld
48. Go to Disney Land
49. Go to the Sandiego zoo 
50. Feed an exotic animal
51. Have a child of my own
52. Ride in a Limo 
53. Win 1st at a barrel race of 100 riders or more
54. Win a Saddle

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Circle Y Product Review - THE PROVEN

There are several great choices regarding barrel saddles out there, but I'd like to talk about 'The Proven' by circle Y today. 

When on the search for a comfortable, functional, and durable barrel saddle 'The Proven' turned out to be the best option for me. These saddles are very popular, affordable, and common! Which are all good things when you are shopping for your next saddle! 

My first 'Proven' by circle Y I bought used! It was easy to find on the local craigslist, and at 11 yrs old it was not the most beautiful saddle, but it was sure comfortable! (Used saddle not pictured here)

After riding in my old beat up 'Proven' for 7 months I finally broke down and bought myself the real deal! A brand new 'Proven Stone', and I found it on close-out! Which made it even more worth the investment. I was surprised at how quickly the saddle 'broke in', and it is VERY comfortable with the patented 'hip hugger' seat. I've been happily riding in my 'Proven Stone' for over a year now, and I can honestly say I love it just as much as the day it arrived on my door-step.

Thanks all! Happy Trails!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

I Love Trail Riding!!

Photo Curtsey of Noelani and her cell phone!

Sometimes I get so wrapped up in training and competition, and I forget about where my love for all this started. Trail riding is the most relaxing, peaceful, and wonderful thing to do with your horse and friends! Today was Guess's first time walking through some deep water and she did great. I plan to invest in a small digital camera soon for trail ride pictures ;) more to come!


Happy trails and Happy Holidays to you all!

<3 your dedicated equestrian

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

WAR HORSE - More then meets the eye?

    When I first saw the War Horse Trailer (to be released Christmas 2011) I was skeptical. The trailer doesn't reveal much about the plot-line, and I'm not one for sappy un-realistic horse movies. After doing some research I can say I am VERY excited to see this movie in theaters, and I think it will have very good content based on articles I've read about the true story the movie is based on.

   There are several articles regarding the true story behind War Horse and here are a few I found note-worthy:

and more . .

This story definitely has a lot more depth then I had originally though, and I am looking forward to seeing this movie in theaters!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bitting Up The Horse

Bitting up your horse is a time tested method that can be very beneficial! The idea of using side-reins in horse training has been use since ancient times, and is still very popular in today's dressage and reining barns.

Here we have a picture of a 2yr old very green Quarter Horse filly. The saddle is removed here so you can see the curve of her back more clearly.

This isn't a new idea, and I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes! Notice the filly's back is concave as she moves freely around the round-pen, this is bad form for a lot of reasons (we wouldn't want to see this with a rider on her back). Because it creates a 'hollow' back beneath the rider and is not the horse's strongest position or the most comfortable for the rider! The rider is likely to bounce more when the horse's back is in this position, and that in turn is even harder on the horses back. This also does nothing to build up the horse's 'top-line' and muscles that help easy carrying the weight of a rider.

I apologize that the saddle is in the way of being able to clearly see her back, but I do not own a surcingle and my reins are not long enough to tie the way you would without a surcingle or saddle . . . This is the filly's first time 'bitted' up it is important not to tie the horse back too short, because it can scare them and they will either not want to move forward, only move backward, flip over . . etc. The reins are tied evenly back to the cinch only enough to barely tilt her nose backwards. Over time this position will be easier for her to carry (as she builds muscles). This sets the horse up for several things. She will learn to 'drive underneath herself', 'frame up' or 'round her top-line', and to be light in the mouth.

My personal preference is that the horse become proficient in being 'bitted up' at ALL gaits (though I work her mostly at the trot to help her build muscles). If I think a horse is athletic enough, and ready I will also ask them to roll back, and stop quickly while bitted up. Remember being bitted up can be scary for a horse that is not accustomed to it and baby steps should be used to achieve the ultimate collection. I will not bit a horse up 'all the way' (the horse should not ever go behind the vertical in my opinion while bitted up) until they have been working at it for several weeks slowly getting shorter and more proficient.
Please consider working with a professional before trying any of these methods at home if you do not feel comfortable doing this with your horse! I have taken many lessons on this technique, and always let somebody know when I plan to work with my horses in case I get hurt! 

Thank you all! I hope this was helpful :)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Lets Talk Tack *Bling* Tack That Is . . .

When it comes to tack I'm a stickler for quality. There are a lot of great tack makers and leather workers out there, but one of my personal favorites is Luans Leathers.

Comfort comes first, and this tack is as comfortable as it gets! One great design feature of Luans Leathers tack is that all crystals are riveted onto the top layer of leather, so only smooth leather wears against your steed's precious coat!

Luans Leathers may be expensive . . but it is made to last! They guarantee their tack, and do all repairs and cleaning on it for free for as long as you own it! Now that is customer service!

But my favorite feature of Luans Leathers is they offer fully customizable tack! Customers can design their own dream set that will compliment their horses perfectly. Luans Leathers is a family owned small business that puts your priorities first!

Please check them out here: Luans Leathers

Thanks all!